Monday, May 2, 2011

FINAL - Week 3 - Public Verses Private

For the final presentation I wanted to incorporate the two previous weeks of work, into the one model. I found that the public and private areas being split along the north south axis was crucial to Le Corbusier’s reasons. After studying the sun shadows, it is clear he has placed the private spaces with the morning sun, and public spaces with the afternoon sun, hence positioning the spaces according to the time frame in which they are used most heavily.

It was also important to note that the public area was extremely open. There are ribbon windows around the space, with the only internal wall being a large glass wall and door. This is contrasted to the cellular nature of the private space, which has a lot of room defining walls. For this reason I chose to model the public with transparencies (as open), and the private with card.

For this final week, I chose to model the 9am shadow for the private space, hence emphasising how the walls create large amounts of shadows, yet at the same time showing how the bedrooms are placed on the east side of the building to allow maximum light in the morning. Also, I modelled the 3pm light for the public space with white card, therefore showing how the public spaces have been placed on the west side of the axis to allow maximum light. Due to modelling two different time frames within the one model, I separated them by firstly using different coloured card, but more importantly modelling the shadow for 9am and the light for 3pm.

Overall I thought that this model was a great success in demonstrating why Le Corbusier has divided the house into public and private, as they are placed due to their function and need for light. I personally found this extremely interesting and it is an aspect I am aiming to emulate in my final project for this studio.

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